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Red Hat provides open source software solutions using a community-powered approach to deliver reliable and high-performing Cloud, Linux, middleware, storage, and virtualization technologies. Red Hat also offers support, training, and consulting services. As a connective hub in a global network of enterprises, partners, and open source communities, Red Hat helps create relevant, innovative technologies that liberate resources for growth and prepare customers for the future.

Entrust nShield hardware security modules (HSMs), deployed on-premises or as a service, integrate with Red Hat OpenShift, OpenStack, and Certificate System platforms to deliver enhanced security.

OpenShift container platform: nShield offers enhanced key generation, signing, and encryption. For the first time, as part of the DevOps process, developers can use industry-proven nShield HSMs to protect sensitive container data and transactions.

OpenStack cloud platform: nShield HSMs provide enhanced security and compliance, as well as a certified source of entropy for generating keys. nShield protects the master key used to secure the storage, transport, and service keys managed by the Barbican key management system.

Certificate System: nShield HSMs secure the critical private keys that underpin the security that bind people, devices, and services. nShield increase the assurance level of the Certificate System PKI by protecting the private root and signing CA keys.

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Red Hat


Raleigh, NC
United States

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  • Program:
  • nFinity Partner Program
  • nFinity HSM
    • Cloud, DevOps, Containers, Microservices
    • PKI, IoT, Certificate Management

Solution Brief: Entrust Red Hat OpenShift

Solution Brief: Entrust Red Hat Certificate System

Solution Brief: Entrust Red Hat OpenStack

Data Sheet: Entrust nShield Connect

Integration Guide: Red Hat Certificate System

Integration Guide: Red Hat OpenShift

Integration Guide: Red Hat OpenShift and Entrust CloudControl

Video: YouTube playlist of Entrust CloudControl Integration with Red Hat OpenShift

Podcast: Achieving Kubernetes Security Nirvana with Dave Stevens